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Campaign Need: Pooja’s Wings

Anti Child Trafficking Strategy for India

Watch a short video about this project here

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State of the World:

More than any other segment of humanity, children suffer, in a sense paying for the sins of adults. Today, more than 40 percent of our children live in absolute poverty – a total of 674 million children , and more than a billion children or 56 percent are living in severe deprivation.


  • An estimated 10 million children have been forced into the sex industry
  • About 500 million children live with debilitating hunger
  • 134 million children have no access to any school whatsoever
  • 15 million children are orphaned as a result of AIDS
  • 246 million children work, with 171 million engaged in the worst forms of child labour
  • 265 million children have not been immunized against any disease
  • Over one third of children have to live in dwellings with more than five people per room
  • Over half a billion children have no toilet facilities whatsoever
  • Almost half a billion children lack access to published information of any kind
  • 376 million children have more than a 15-minute walk to water and or are using unsafe water sources
  • 300,000 young people are exploited as child soldiers

Become A Hero



What is an advocate?

One that pleads the cause of another. One that defends or maintains a cause or proposal. One that supports or promotes the interests of another

Anyone with a voice or a pen can be an advocate. Just start talking to those around you about the issues of today: poverty, AIDS, child labourers, orphans, street children, child soldiers, sexual exploitation, slavery, unsafe water, children not in school, maternal death rate, refugees, night commuting children, human rights, justice – pick one that you are passionate about, study it, and Become An Advocate!

The internet is a goldmine of information, with thousands of articles, video clips, recommended books. Your public library has books and videos. Watch documentaries on TV. Rent movies such as “Hotel Rwanda”. Newspapers have articles almost daily, with celebrities and politicians starting to take up the cause of the poor.  Educate yourself, and begin to talk to your neighbours, friends, team mates, co-workers, and relatives. Then urge them to get involved in the solutions – sponsor a child, work together to raise funds for a children’s home or well, volunteer at a soup kitchen.


What is a Representative?

A representative is one who garners child sponsorship; works together with a team to fund-raise for children’s homes and other building projects; helps organize Hero Holidays to visit and work at orphanages ; and is an advocate for the children at risk.

You could become the BeAHERO rep for your place of employment, your church, your sports league, your club, your home group, or your business associates.

Be A HERO will equip you with direction and guidelines, a promotional DVD, brochures, Project Proposals, and other written literature.

Fill out our contact form with Subject Heading “Become a Representative”
Contact Us Here



What is a Presenter?

A Presenter is one who will introduce the Be A HERO message and mission to large groups of people such as conference attendees or church congregations. They will advocate for ‘children at risk’ by educating their audiences, presenting them with opportunities to “Be A HERO”, and providing them with the tools they need to take action.

You could become one of BeAHERO’s presenters. Be A HERO will equip you with direction and guidelines, a promotional DVD, brochures, Project Proposals, and other written literature.

Fill out our contact form  with Subject Heading “Become a Presenter” (Please note: references may be required).

Contact Us Here


The possibilities are endless. No one can be the Hero you can be. Be sure to check out What We Do for other ways to get involved.

Child Sponsorship
